How To Use Effective Test Automation In An Agile Environment

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The domain of software testing is scaling up and increasing its reach in terms of efficiency and higher profitability. Agile methodologies are one of the choicest models that are adopted by many organizations. Agile helps speed up the development and testing process. Implementing automation testing in an agile testing framework will only increase the productivity of the software development and testing process and also will help in saving a subsequent amount of cost and time. A well-defined strategy will help in understanding changing market trends and respond faster to new opportunities, thereby providing organizations with a competitive edge. In this article, you will get to know how to use test automation in an agile environment.

Following are the eight key points that depict the usage of test automation in agile:
1. The necessity to learn: Test automation is a specific software testing activity, and when it is used in an agile testing framework, agile principles need to be applied. Learning on the go, quick evaluation and fast feedback are some of the key agile principles that need to be applied. Take the necessary time to learn from mistakes, evaluate early and often and experiment.

2. The relevance of Definition of Done (DoD): When the teams are using an agile testing framework, it is considered to be a wise move to include test automation as a key part of the Definition of Done. However, the following are the two traps that need that needs to be avoided:

2.1: Inappropriate statements being used: Statements like "Automation should be put in place for every feature delivered" or "Automation should be performed on all tests" are considered to be inappropriate and misleading. Instead, statements such as "Automation can be carried out based on the requirements of the development team" or "Updating existing automation will help in changes being reflected in a specific feature" can be used.

2.2: The issue with percentages: The goal is to achieve "100 % code coverage" can be stated by a specific team member. This kind of empty statement will say nothing about the relevance or quality of the tests.

3. Decide the starting point: Effective test automation in agile can be achieved if the team knows the right context to start with test automation. Following are the two key points that can be considered:

3.1: Initiate the automation process when stakeholders notice the value addition of automation testing quickly. The team can also focus and work on the specific part of the application that has the highest impact of defects

3.2: End-to-end test automation should be avoided in the initial stages of the development process. The cause for avoiding automation activity is that it is hard to write and upon that execution takes place at a slower pace. Instead, API testing can be leveraged or a solid set of meaningful unit tests can be created to verify business logic.

4. The value of resources: Test automation needs to be carried out in an agile environment in a rewarding and just manner, then the right resources needs to be provided. Here resources are referred to people. These people should have enough time and the right skill sets for creating and maintaining the application.

There are a few key factors that describe the amount of time that needs to be spent by people dedicated towards carrying out automation activities. These factors include the risk and complexity associated with the application being developed, creating the specific type of automation and most importantly the resources they have got.

5. The strategic importance of selecting the right automation tool: The right automation tool plays a key role in scaling up the efficiency of the software development project. The capabilities of the tool should be properly evaluated by the agile team. The tool should also be well-suited in an agile testing framework scenario.

6. The strategic value of small and lean tests: The test cases should be kept small and lean. As per regression requirements, quick changes can be made by keeping smaller test cases. The maintenance of larger test suites is reduced, which basically contains configurations, different codes and scenarios, so that the overall load on the development environment is reduced.

7. Leverage Environment as a Service (EaaS): Since making changes in software development is considered to be a costly proposition, it is always import ant to know the distribution of costs and the changes that needs to be tested. Multiple test environments can run simultaneously through the inclusion of automation and making sure that time and costs are saved to quite an extent.

Self-service and automation are entirely driven by Environment as a Service (EaaS). Multiple test environments are used by EaaS, so that the automation's efficiency is increased. Through the EaaS platform, teams can reduce rework, use the specific resources they need, scale depending upon the requirement etc.

8. The prominence of incorporating DevOps: Both Agile and DevOps work in synergy and hence higher efficiency and reliable results can be expected. The core focus of both DevOps and agile is to build and release high-quality products at a faster pace and also work strategically on communication and collaboration activities.

Automation plays a key role in DevOps, and when it comes to agile, human resources are freed from their agile testing activities to a great extent. This in turn helps testers to focus on other crucial parameters of software testing. Faster releases can be achieved by optimizing test automation activities. The time spent on test execution is reduced and the number of test cycles is increased in a limited timeframe.

9. The relevance of GUI testing: Testing Graphical User Interface (GUI) through the automation platform is considered easier and upon that functionality remains intact, even if changes in UI have been made. If there is a change in the UI element, the feature's functionality will not change. This tactical approach is focused on rules and business logic. A spreadsheet or a specific tabular format is used to write the test cases. The input is accepted by writing code snippets from these tables and then the results are returned.

Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing test automation activities for your specific project, then do get connected with a devoted software testing services company that will provide you with a granular and proven testing approach that is in line with your project specific requirements.

I'm Riley Claire, a Senior Software Test Engineer at TestingXperts in Canada, and I'm enthusiastic about testing and automation. At TestingXperts, I'm in charge of all actions that fall under the Quality Assurance framework